Year 2 has 3 classes Puffins, Orcas and Polar Bears and is the end of Key Stage 1, led by Mrs Calder (Phase Lead).

Children in year 2 learn through structured lessons where they have a main input, followed by independent work and follow-up challenges. There are three core subjects mathematics, English and science and the foundation subjects of geography, history, design technology, art, music, computing, RSE (relationships), religious education and physical education. Phonics, reading and handwriting are part of daily life here at Heronshaw school too.

Children in Key Stage 2 are taught non-core subjects with a focus on clear progression of knowledge skills. Each subject areas aims to build on previously taught subject content with a focus on deepening vocabulary. During these years of school life, children are encouraged to learn both practically and academically and all work is monitored to ensure that students are making the desired progress. We encourage children to take pride in their achievements and adopt an independent and self-reliant approach to school and particular attention is given to the social and emotional development of all children.



KS1 Parent presentation

Please see below for our recent KS1 parent presentation.

Overviews of learning

Each half term we will publish additional information about the skills and learning that will be covered in key areas of the curriculum. Please refer to the overviews when focusing on how to support your child at home. Your child's class teacher will be able to talk through any queries that you may have.