Mrs Bolger leads PE at our school.

The physical education curriculum at Heronshaw School aims to inspire all pupils to experience a range of physical activities that helps them to develop their health, fitness and wellbeing. The experience is offered through a wide range of sports and physical skills which will enhance life choices to enable pupils to have an understanding in creating a positive impact on their own health and wellbeing.  

Through the curriculum, pupils at Heronshaw School compete to develop their confidence whilst teaching them the importance of having a positive mind set when coping with both success and failure in competitive, individual and team based physical activities. Through PE, it can challenge and promote pupil’s self-esteem to build character as they grow to help embed values such as fairness and respect. Pupils work to develop an understanding on how to improve, evaluate themselves and others when recognising their own successes. PE promotes leadership skills to develop good sporting attitude through communication, collaboration and teamwork. 

Pupils gain experience in a variety of fundamental skills, focusing on agility, balance, coordination and fitness. Heronshaw School has adopted a broad and balanced curriculum that focuses on pupils having equal opportunities to take part and achieve in a range of sports and physical activities within a supportive environment where effort as well as success is recognised. 

The lessons offered have been developed using the National Curriculum, which is supported by a clear skills and knowledge progression which is suited to the needs of the pupils. This ensures that skills and knowledge are built on year by year and sequenced appropriately to maximise learning for all children. 

All the pupils take part in PE lessons twice a week with a 30 minutes brain or physical activity planned in every day to keep the pupils engaged in their learning. Outdoor learning is offered through lunchtime clubs and after school clubs with the intent to continue supporting the development of the fundamental skills, with the guidance and specialised skills provided by different sports coaches. The after school clubs are offered based on the pupil’s interest and it has had a profound impact on the children’s engagement and wellbeing. Through the offered provision, pupils can aim to flourish at sports in which they have a particular interest or flair for.  

Pupils with additional needs are provided with personalised and appropriate support to enable them to take part and gain confidence in skills, understanding and motivation at their own level. 

PE at Heronshaw School aims to not only inspire the pupils to develop skills but to challenge themselves in a safe environment with an emphasis placed on creating a fun and enjoyable sessions, to enable them to grow and achieve a love of sports and physical activity. 

Below you will find links to key documents. 

The progression grid shows the key knowledge and skills that are taught from Foundation Stage to the end of Key Stage 1. Our progression grids also highlight the next steps in the educational journey, therefore include Year 3 expectations.

How do I know what my child is being taught at Heronshaw?

We deliver curriculum information meetings for parents. Presentation slideshows are saved under the Year Group drop down menus.

In addition to this, each year group produces an Overview of Learning that is also saved under Year Groups.

Every subject under the Curriculum tab has detailed Progression Grids which show the full curriculum that Heronshaw has designed for our pupils.

If parents have any questions and would like to know more then we welcome this. Please speak to a member of the team.