Our student council is made up of 9 members of the school, 1 from each class. These members were chosen and voted for by their class. Our 9 successful candidates have been given a 'Student Council' pin. This is really important for the children to be able to recognise them. They should be wearing their pin at all times.

Our student council members meet up regularly, with meetings held once a week to discuss issues and upcoming events in the school that they and their fellow classmates would like addressing.

Every child in the school has a voice, which can be heard through speaking to their student council representative directly. Each suggestion is read through and discussed during the weekly meetings, with discussions ranging from furthering school provision and practice, to focusing their attention on larger issues such as recycling and its importance for climate change.

School Council members 2023-2024:

Bears- Kayla
Lions- Elise
Crocs- Domario
Tigers- Juwayriah 
Pandas- Willow
Lepoards- Aun 
Gorillas- Bella 
Zebras- Emre 
Giraffes- Ava

Student Council meetings

Miss Wilson meets regularly with the student council. You can access the minutes from past meetings below. If your child has ideas for the student council to explore then they can pass it on to a student council member.