
Trip to ZSL Whipsnade

As part of our project “Amazing Africa” our year two children visited ZSL Whipsnade on Wednesday 7th June.

The focus for our visit was to look at the African animals at the zoo and fortunately we were not disappointed as we got to see hippo, elephant, lions, zebra, giraffes, flamingos and tigers. Our text this term is Meerkat mail so it was really exciting for the children to see what sorts of habitats they live in. One of the highlights was the fact that we were charged by the new lioness, who decided we were making way too much noise during her siesta time! Giraffes class of course were delighted to see the giraffes, especially the new baby who was delightful. 

It was such a pleasure to take our year twos out on a trip and they have showed us through their recounts in their independent writes how much they really enjoyed their experience.