
Reading Stars


Celebrate your children’s fantastic reading by listening to them read at home and they’ll be well on their way to being a Heronshaw reading star! 

For every 5 times our children read to a grown up, at home or at school, we celebrate their reading success by stamping a gold star in their reading record.  

Could they become a Heronshaw Diamond reader by the end of the year? 

 These gold stars also turn into raffle tickets to win a book from our secret wardrobe in our ‘Where will reading take you…’ enchanted corridor in school. At the end of each half term one lucky child from each class will have their name drawn from their class raffle ticket jar to celebrate all of their reading! They will choose their own brand new book to take home and treasure forever! 

Will it be your reading star this half term? 

We look forward to celebrating with you this week!