Great Fire of London Achieve Day 19.10.22
On Wednesday 19th October Year 2 celebrated all of their wonderful hard work and learning by inviting Mary Porter from 1666 to join them in re-enacting important moments and events of the Great Fire of London.
Freshwater Theatre Company came in and transported all our children back to Pudding Lane to where the fire broke out. The children thrived on this immersive experience which required them to act out the streets of London, become key eyewitnesses for the fire, such as Samuel Pepys, Thomas Farriner’s maid and other townsfolk who were going about their business when the fire began.
Using a variety of props children became the fire; twisting and twirling ribbons as the fire swept across the capital and raged for 4 days.
This was a wonderful experience for the children to celebrate the end to a fantastic half term’s worth of project learning. They showcased all of their knowledge and had huge amounts of fun along the way.